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Interactive Formative Assessments: The Secret To Optimized Learning

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The Importance Of Interactive Formative Assessments

Unlocking wonderment in subjects is essential to the mastery of tests and memory retention. Where traditional pedagogy is failing to properly engage the young generation of digital natives, interactive formative assessments might just have the answer to both optimized learning and teaching.

Schools and education authorities are constantly looking for ways in which to help students learn better; a fair argument is that technology, despite revolutionizing our world in many ways, has failed to make a significant widespread difference to classrooms today. Yet traditional methods of teaching have done little to drive mental engagement among students, with many subjects like mathematics and science terminally regarded as two of the blandest necessary evils of the curriculum. Adherence to standard textbook-based teaching means that nothing is being done to challenge this perception when it’s all too clear that unlocking curiosity and wonderment across all academic disciplines is not only essential to the mastery of tests, but also key to ensuring that more students are inspired enough to pursue further study and even pursue teaching as a career later in life.

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