It’s every teacher’s dream to be able to track student progress easily and painlessly — think of how much more effective we could be in the classroom if we had access to data on students’ level of understanding of particular skills and topics!
Quizalize’s brand new Mastery Dashboards have been created with just that in mind:
Students love playing quiz games in class, and Quizalize helps you take advantage of that by tracking their performance on these activities instantly, and aggregating this data into a Mastery Dashboard.
Whether it’s the performance of a whole class or a single student that you want to track, the Mastery Dashboards can do just that. But it’s not just a short-term solution — with every curriculum-tagged quiz your students complete, data on your Mastery Dashboards is updated and refined, making it an invaluable tool in tracking student learning over time.
How can the Mastery Dashboards help?
A few seconds is all you need to get a feel for how your students are doing. A quick glance at your Mastery Dashboards tells you exactly what you need to know about where your students are at in terms of mastery of a subject, topic or skill.
1. Understand what individual students need help with
Easily track students’ progress in mastering various topics and skills. Concerned about a particular student? Hover over his or her name to see the breakdown of their mastery of a subject or topic.
2. See which topics and skills need extra work
Understanding how students are performing with regards to particular topics and skills is important in ensuring that everyone learns to the best of his or her potential. The Mastery Dashboard breaks down a student’s level of understanding (based on performance on completed quizzes), highlighting how the class as a whole as well as individual students are performing for various topics:
Need more detail? Delve into which particular skills within a topic are hindering student progress:
In the above example, it is clear that students in the class struggle most with the skill ‘NC.4.OA.4: Find all factor pairs for whole numbers up to and including 50’, but are excelling at skill ‘NC.4.OA.1: Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison. Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparisons.’ Knowing this helps teachers make the right decisions when planning lessons and revisions to boost student learning and achievement.
3. Meaningful, targeted differentiation
We all know what the benefits of differentiated learning are, but carrying it out in an effective and meaningful manner requires that we first understand which areas of a subject students are weaker in.
The Mastery Dashboards helps you accurately group students according to similar strengths and weaknesses, so that they can be helped in the most targeted manner, according to their learning gaps.
4. Assign relevant, effective follow-up resources
Once you’ve worked out — with the help of the Mastery Dashboards — which students need help with what, you can easily assign them relevant follow-up resources (without even having to leave the dashboards!).
You can easily upload your own materials (videos, web links, PDFs, or even another quiz) for your students as well and tag them to the relevant skill your students are working on.
5. Make the most of curriculum time
With all this information at your fingertips, lesson time can be spent focusing on what students most need help with, making both teaching and learning more productive and engaging.
We’d love to hear what you think about our Mastery Dashboards, or anything else regarding Quizalize. Leave a comment below or tweet us @Quizalizeapp!
Need more help navigating and understanding the Mastery Dashboards? Check out our help article here.