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Quizalize Teacher Appreciation – Minnie Keng

The Quizalize community is made up of thousands of passionate teachers from all over the world. 

Today we want to celebrate Minnie Keng, who teaches high school students in Thailand. She’s been telling us how she uses Quizalize to carry out remote testing of her students, and we’d like to share her experiences.

“Many teachers are probably preparing for the midterm exam these days. Nowadays, there are many different tools for taking online exams. Quizalize is another tool that makes it easy to organize online exams. Teachers can view progress during the exam, and when the exam is over the system will divide students into middle and good students and [those that] should receive additional help as well.”

  • Minnie Keng

You can also watch this informative – and super creative – video by Minnie talking about what she most loves about Quizalize and how the platform has helped her to boost engagement in her classroom.

Creating unique quizzes 

Minnie is able to create her own content quickly and easily. That means that she can align questions to textbook content, so the quizzes directly support the topics she covers in class. 

Quizalize’s audio questions feature means that she can include the audio files that come with the textbooks —  a feature she hasn’t been able to find anywhere else.

Here is one of the quizzes that Minnie has created to test student’s understanding of the Past Simple Tense. 

Independent testing for students

Quizalize allows students to start quizzes independently, without waiting for all other class students to join the game. This means that Minnie can assign a Quizalize test as an exam, and have students take their own exams independently. 

Viewing student groups by results

Quizalize groups students according to their results, which means that Minnie can instantly see which students in her class understand a topic really well, and who needs additional help. 

Minnie not only educates her own students in the classroom, but she also shows other educators how to make the most of Edtech tools in the classroom. 

Check out her TikToks:

And her blog posts:

To get more updates on how Minnie uses Edtech in her classroom, you can follow her on Tiktok and Facebook. 



Minnie – thank you for sharing your passion with our education community!

You can read this blog post in Thai – click here!

We love hearing how you use Quizalize in your classroom. Send us a message at, and you could be featured in our blog!

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