Five Zzish’s takes on Bologna Children’s Book Fair, a veritable visual feast.
The Zzish and Quizalize teams are looking forward to the full slate of art and culture available in the home of the world’s oldest university, Bologna, and the gamut of events and showcases offered at the event. Will we see you there? Let us know if you are coming to grab a caffé (or lasagna bolognese) with a member of our team.
Top 5 picks that every publisher needs to know about Bologna Children’s Book Fair

1 – Celebrating 60 Years of BCBF
Now celebrating its 60th birthday (tanti auguri!), BCBF is pulling out all the stops for the annual Illustrators Exhibition by inviting illustrators featured over the past 10 years to document the highlights of their past experiences. See how so many different artists interpret their experience in Bologna every day at the fair at the Service Center.
2 – Spotlight on Africa
For the second year in a row, BCBF highlights the creativity and excellence of African publishing in a series of panels and exhibitions. In the first Book Dash outside of Africa, South African social impact publisher Book Dash explains their process for creating high-quality picture books in 12 hours! They have already published 176 titles using their method; how many more might be published during the fair?
3 – Italian Excellence Centers Italo Calvino
Marking the 100th anniversary of the author’s birth, this year’s Italian Excellence exhibition celebrates the winners of an international contest. The 30 winners represent viewpoints from 16 countries interpreting Calvino’s beloved works. If you miss the exhibition in Bologna, it will tour Italian Cultural Institutes around the world during 2023.
4 – Awards on Awards on Awards
In addition to the headline awards, such as the International Award for Illustration and the Ars in Fabula Grant Award, the Bologna Ragazzi Awards (BRAW) highlight the quality and diversity of illustration and publishing to be found at the fair. In addition to awards for fiction, non-fiction, debut work, and comics, this year’s particular category celebrates photography. Additional awards for multimedia projects, degree theses in children’s literature, and the coveted publisher of the year award round out the prestigious list.
5 – BolognaBookPlus
In addition to the halls of exhibitors, lounges, galleries, and spotlight session of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the Zzish and Quizalize team will also embed in BologaBookPlus (BBPlus), the fair’s extension for adult trade publishing co-hosted with BCBF. We’re looking forward to embedding with those at the cutting edge of publishing, illustration, translation, accessibility, and rights management.
Bologna represents much more than a trade show, incorporating a hub and diverse marketplace of ideas and creativity for publishers, authors, illustrators, and multimedia professionals. We’ll be there in Bologna to share our expertise in digital transformation and reach new audiences with the Zzish and Quizalize suite of products and services.
Set up a chat today with us in Bologna, and we will see you in March!

Matthew Jordan
Director of Partnerships – Zzish, the force behind Quizalize.
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